I was honored to be a speaker at – IMHO – one of the best conferences in Greece, Digitized 2011. It was the first, and hopefully the birth of a series of events regarding all digital media, and it was great!
The event was held at the new AKTO Campus, which proved to be very small (~150) in the long run. Tickets were sold out 8 days prior to the event, which says a lot.
Speaking at the event were two of my Greek colleagues, Nassos Kyratzoglou and Haris Hararis, both with extremely interesting presentations. But of course the spotlight was focused on Anton Repponen of Fantasy Interactive and Florian Schmitt of Hi-Res. Two presentations I really enjoyed.
I hope next year Digitized will prove to be as interesting and inspiring as it was this year! Special thanks go out to the organizers, Konstantinos Penlidis (niceandneat.gr) & Dimitrios Fakinos (designmag.gr)

You never actually “lose” a pitch
In regard to my presentation, it was a case study about a lost pitch. A Mobile App for one of Greece’s largest airlines. Unfortunately I cannot publicize the actual slide show. So whoever was there, was probably the only one that got the full story ;)
In an attempt to summarize it, I’d say that it was a positive message in these unfortunately negative (financially speaking) times. If there’s a single quote you should pull from my presentation, that would be:
You never actually “lose” a pitch, because you always keep the work and knowledge you gained while working on it.
Cheers, and see you all at next year’s Digitized!