July '76

Sep 21st


Really, after all that ruckus, where does it really stand? All I know for sure is that when I turned off Circle notifications, everything went quiet…

Apart from one (perhaps two) people I know, no one really uses it. I guess we returned to our “traditional” media channels after the original hiatus.

Note of advice to Google: I know you guys are supporting your mobile OS and leaving iOS behind. But if you want a true explosion in your active user base, try building native apps for ALL mobile OS’s…

PS: I love the Posterous new iPhone app. They put a lot of work to make feel very useful. In fact this is my first post using their app. Can you hear me Google?

UPDATE: I guess this story just proves my point that users are not “using” Google+.


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I'm an interactive user experience designer living in Athens, Greece and I love to build things. Digital things.
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