July '76

Feb 8th


If you’re like me, then Valentine’s Day isn’t any more special than any other day of the week.

But, you just simply cannot ignore the fact that millions of people choose this particular event to disclose their feelings for another person. Interesting enough, this is the only reason I apprciate this “joyous” day…

People tend to break out of their shell and say “I ❤ YOU” on Valentine’s Day, and then live happily ever after. With that insight in mind, and the fact that IKEA has one of the most iconic Valentine’s (sic) gifts of all time, the FAMNIG HJÄRTA… we at Tribal DDB Athens set out to create a simple yet effective means of saying “I  YOU”.

Using Facebook (but not limited to that) we created the “SAY I LOVE YOU” app, and made it easy for over 2000 people to express their feelings in just under 36 hours.

Even if you’re not a “Valentine’s Day” person, there’s no reason why you can’t just say “I ❤ YOU” to someone or something ;)

Head on over to ikeahearts.gr and share your love.


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I am Constantinos

I'm an interactive user experience designer living in Athens, Greece and I love to build things. Digital things.
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